
Alex, Ella and Teresa joined their parents for a Bible study at the Kolkoski’s.

Anna, Celeste and the Millerpees greeted the Kolkoskis and gave them their gifts. There was no obligation to bring anything, but they did anyway.

“It’s just a small token of our appreciation,” said Mrs. Millerpee, setting a small mint plant on the table. She knew Mrs. Kolkoski loved mint.

Anna brought a freshly baked loaf of bread, and Celeste brought some homemade paw paw jam.

“Hello, children,” said Mrs. Kolkoski welcoming them in.

“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. K,” said the children.

Bear and Samson came to the door and greeted them.

“Don’t let Bear and Tuxie here tell you they didn’t get their sardine purée” laughed Mrs. Kolkoski. “These two have been fed, oiled and watered.”

“Oiled?” asked Teresa puzzled.

“Yes,” responded Mrs. Kolkoski, “everyday, they get two drops of vitamin E oil in their purée. It keeps them healthy, and it gives them a shiny coat.”

“Oh,” responded Teresa. Turing to her mother, she asked, “Mom? Can we oil the bunnies too?”

“I don’t think the bunnies want vitamin E oil on their grass or vegetables” answered Celeste smiling, “but we can ask Dr. Felix the next time we see him, okay?”

“Thanks, Mom,” said Teresa happily.

A few moments later, Mr. Kolkoski said, “thank you all for coming, everyone, take a seat – oh, Alex? Will you please put the mint plant on the kitchen table?”

“Of course, Mr. K,” said Alex picking up the plant. When he set it back down, a mint leaf fell off the plant and landed in Samson and Bear’s water bowl.

Bear and Samson followed Alex into the kitchen. When Bear noticed the mint leaf in his water bowl, he began drinking. Bear drank and drank. He loved the flavor of mint water.


“When are you going to fly again?” asked Samson. Bear was busy washing his tail and the question took him aback. He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had last flown with Mr. Kolkoski.

“I don’t know,” answered Bear, “but I’m going to find out.”

After stretching, Bear asked, “Are you coming?”

“Now?” asked Samson, “Yeah, come one, let’s go find out.”

Bear and Samson went downstairs and stared at the Kolkoskis who were having a conversation at the dinner table.

“I don’t mean to change the topic, Howard,” said Mrs. Kolkoski, “but… the cats are staring at us.”

Looking at the cats, Mr. Kolkoski agreed that the cats were indeed staring at them.

“Maybe they’re hungry,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

“Those two are always hungry, but I don’t think they’ve ever stared at us like that,” observed Tarie Kolkoski adding, “do you mind if we continue our conversation later?”

“Not at all,” answered Mr. Kolkoski getting up to stretch, “I’m getting a little hungry myself.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Mrs. Kolkoski going into the kitchen. She expected the cats to follow her, but they did not. Instead, they continued staring at Mr. Kolkoski.

Looking at the cats, Mr. Kolkoski said, “Well, you two are going to have to speak up, I can’t read your minds, you know.”

“We would please like to know when you are planning your next helicopter flight,” said Samson. But all Mr. Kolkoski heard was a series of polite meows.

When the cats saw Mr. Kolkoski’s puzzled expression, Bear tried asking and Mr. Kolkoski heard, “Marau aarah agamarau mgan?”

Mr. Kolkoski said, “That was very articulate, Bear, but I have no idea what you’re trying to tell me.”

From the kitchen, Tarie Kolkoski called out, “I think the cats want to know when you’re going to take them flying!”

“Wait, how do you know that? Did you understand that?” asked Mr. Kolkoski perplexed.

“No, of course not,” laughed Mrs. Kolkoski, “I’m just messing with you. I have no idea what those two could possibly want.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Mr. Kolkoski said, “You had me worried there for a moment.”

He was just about to turn away from them when Samson said to Bear, “Do your tail spinning thing, that will get his attention.”

Bear spun his tail like he did when he first decided he wanted to be a helicopter pilot. Seeing him spin his tail, Mr. Kolkoski said, “Tarie, I don’t know how you did it, but I think you’re right!”

A Rat?

“Howard?” asked Mrs. Kolkoski folding towel, “Yes, Tarie?” responded Mr. Kolkoski knotting up a pair of socks, “Howard,” continued Tarie Kolkoski, “have you noticed the holes in the shower curtain?”

“Um, you mean where they’re hung up?” asked Mr. Kolkoski.

“No,” responded Mrs. Kolkoski, “there are holes, like something is trying to nibble on it.”

“You mean like a rat?” said Mr. Kolkoski surprised. “No, I haven’t, but I also haven’t looked. Why don’t you show me.”

They went into the bathroom and Mrs. Kolkoski showed the shower curtain to her husband.

“You see?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, I see what you mean. Hm. I doubt we have mice with two cats, but I think I smell a rat,” said Mr. Kolkoski smiling.

While Mr. Kolkoski was explaining his thoughts to Tarie, Bear’s ears perked. He remembered smelling a rat too. How he had frolicked in the golden Nebraska cornfields! His journey back to Fussington had been perilous, but provision was made for Bear. God watches over His creation.

“So, do you think it’s Bear?” asked Mrs. Kolkoski surprised.

“Well, it’s not Tuxie,” responded Mr. Kolkoski. “We don’t have mice or rats. We’d know, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I guess you’re right. But why would Bear chew on a shower curtain?” asked Mrs. Kolkoski.

“Who knows,” responded Howard Kolkoski, “but we know he nibbles the trashcan liners, I can hear him at night. The crinkling wakes me up sometimes.”

“You’re right… how could I have forgotten that?” asked Mrs. Kolkoski.

“Easy,” laughed Howard, “you’re tired because your cat keeps you awake at night.”

“So, what do we do now? How do we keep Bear from chewing the shower curtain?” asked Mr. Kolkoski.

“Well,” responded Mrs. Kolkoski, “I can spray it with vinegar, cats hate vinegar. He won’t come within a mile of it.”

It was true that Bear hated the smell of vinegar. The shear mention of it caused his cheeks to go back, revealing his curved fangs. He’d wrinkle his nose too if he could, but cats can’t do that, not even Bear.

Ella’s Prayer

At night, after all the guests had left, Ella and Minna lay in bed. It had been a good day, but the girls were tired. Swiffy was curled up at Ella’s feet and purred loudly. She had a long day too.

“So, sis,” asked Minna, “did you have a good birthday?”

“You know I did,” responded Ella yawning. It was cool how both Teresa and Alex gave me art sets. Maybe I’ll turn into an artist.”

“You’re an artist alright,” said Minna laughing.

“You know,” said Ella “it was so great to see my Rah Kitty come trotting toward me today, and Tuxie is so cute, and he even looks smart. Rah Kitty’s smart too and there’s no cat like him, but there’s something special about Tuxie.”

Just as she said that Swiffy lifted her head. “Oh Swiffy,” giggled the girls, “you’re special too!”

“Yeah,” “laughed Ella, “you’re our Swiffy-doodle-doo!”

“Swiffy-doodlo-doo?” laughed Minna, “Where’d that come from?”

“I don’t know,” laughed Ella, “I guess I’m just silly.”

“You are silly,” said her sister, “but you’re brilliant, you know that?”

“Well, maybe I’m a little bit brilliant,” giggled Ella.

“You know who is brilliant?” asked Ella.

“No, who?” asked Minna.

“God,” answered Ella.

“Yes He is!” agreed Minna. “You prayed to see your Rah Kitty today, and you did. God answered your prayer.”

“Yes He did,” agreed Ella adding, “you know, so far, God has answered every single prayer I’ve prayed, and I have no doubt He will keep answering my prayers because God is good.”

Minna considered this. She had learned a lot about God since her return home.

Turning to Ella, she asked, “If you could pray for something right now, what would it be?”

Ella responded, “I have absolutely everything I could ask for, but this is my prayer, “Jesus, I love you; you gave me everything. You gave me my family back. You brought my mom and my sister back to me and you also brought me my Rah Kitty today because you love me so much. You even gave me a Swiffy. So God, if there’s anything I’m praying for tonight is for you to know how thankful I am in Jesus, name, amen.


Ella was enjoying her birthday celebration when the doorbell rang again.

It was Alex and him mom, Anna. Alex was in his soccer gear because he had just played a game.

“Hi Mr. and Mrs. Millerpee,” said Alex, “Hi Mrs. K, Mrs. Montetresa.”

“Hello, Alex,” responded the Millerpees, Mrs. Kolkoski and Celeste.

“Happy birthday, Ella,” said Alex handing her a gift.

“Thanks, Alex,” responded Ella shaking the package, “I wonder what this is.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” said Alex grinning.

Seeing the cats, Alex said, “Oh my goodness, is that Rascal, I mean, Bear? Come here, boy, come here Rascal my little rascal!” said Alex.

Bear remembered Alex and came trotting toward him.

“That’s my Rascal, I miss you, you’re a good boy you little rascal,” said Alex stroking Bear.

Mrs. Millerpee offered Alex and Anna some cake, which they gladly accepted.

“This is so good, Mrs. Millerpee!” said Alex eating his cake. He was hungry after his game.

“So, did you win?” asked Ella and Teresa.

“Yeah, we won 3-0, and I scored an assist! It was a great game.”

Ella opened her present and declared, “Another art set!”

“What do you mean, another art set?” asked Alex perplexed.

“Well,” said Teresa, “it turns out that great minds think alike!”

“I guess that’s true,” conceded Alex. “Is this Tuxie?” asked Alex pointing toward Samson. “The one and only,” responded Ella.

“But… didn’t you get a cat, Swiffy?” asked Alex.

“Yup,” said Ella, “but she’s still a little shy. If you want to see her, she’s under the couch.”

Alex lay down on the floor and looked under the couch. Sure enough, Swiffy was under there. He reached his finger toward her, and she licked it.

“Kisses,” said Alex happily, “she gives kisses! She’s a good Swiffy!”


Ella was so happy to have her Rah Kitty beside her. She remembered when Bear came to visit her and had cheered her up. She marveled at how her life had changed since then. Stroking Bear who hopped up on her lap, she told Minna and Teresa how much Rah Kitty had helped her, and they were amazed.

“Look how happy they all are,” observed Mr. Millerpee.

“Yes, it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” responded Mrs. Millerpee smiling.

Bear loved having his whiskers stroked and he purred loudly.

Samson hopped up and snuggled between Minna and Teresa and loved the attention he got.

What the girls did not know was that Bear and Samson were sad. Rita had just visited them and given them the news that their friend, Thor, had died suddenly.

Bear didn’t know Thor as well as Samson did, but Samson had told him so much about Thor that Bear felt like he knew him well.

“He was just a kitten when he was brought to the Fussington Animal Shelter,” said Samson. “It was right around the time I ended up there when we got caught that night. I remember looking for you, but you had gotten away. You made quite a mess that night. You’re kind of a legend there, Bear. Sometimes I still hear the people talk about that crazy black cat in intake 9 who rode the computer desk like a Hawaiian wave and destroyed the place before escaping.”

Bear didn’t realize what an impact he had made that cold February night so many years ago.

Wanting some attention too, Swiffy swiffed her way over to the girls. Bear and Samson got up to sniff Swiffy, and Swiffy sniffed them back.

“Look at how they get along!” said Ella happily.

“They know each other,” said Minna, “they have a whole life we don’t know about.”

Swiffy settled in behind Ella and rested her tail on Teresa’s shoulder causing her to laugh. “Her tail is like one of those feather dusters,” she said giggling.

“Yeah, she’s quite mop,” laughed Minna.

“My Swiffy’s not a mop,” laughed Ella, “she’s a kitty lioness!”

“She’s a creature of our God and King,” said Teresa.

“That’s absolutely correct,” said Mrs. Millerpee.

“Do you know the hymn?” asked Celeste.

“You bet!” responded Mrs. Millerpee, and they sang “All Creatures of Our God and King.”

Bear and Samson listened to the beautiful singing and thought, “This one’s for you, Thor.”

Rah Kitty!

Ella was celebrating her birthday with her family when the doorbell rang. “I bet that’s Teresa!” said Ella excitedly, and she was right. Teresa came in with her mother, Celeste.

Ella opened Teresa’s present and exclaimed, “An art set! I love it! Thank you!”

‘You’re welcome,” said Teresa smiling. I think you’re an amazing artist and your numbers/colors thing is just cool.

“The synesthesia?” asked Ella. “Yeah, the synesthesia,” said Teresa, “I wish my numbers and words had colors too.”

“And I wish I could write stories like you can,” said Ella unpacking her art set. “Let’s paint a picture.” Calling her sister over, Ella said, “Minna, come over here and paint with us!”

After spreading newspaper over the table, Minna sat down and began painting with Ella and Teresa.

While the girls were painting, the Millerpees decorated the birthday cake. It had blueberries in it and on it. Ella loved blueberries.

When they were finished painting, Mrs. Millerpee sang, “Happy birthday” to Ella and everyone joined in. When the song was over, Mr. Millerpee prayed, “Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for everything you have done for us and for everything you continue to do for us. Thank you for blessing us with friends. You have restored our family and made us whole, and we are so thankful. I pray you pour out your blessings on everyone here and especially on Ella today as we celebrate her birth. We praise you, God, and we love you. Jesus, you’re the best, we love you and it’s in your name that we pray, amen.”

Just then, the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Millerpee opened the door and Bear came trotting inside, followed by Samson and the Kolkoskis.

“Rah Kitty!” exclaimed Ella as Bear trotted over to her. She bent down to stroke him, and he greeted her with a nuzzle.

Meanwhile, Samson politely went from person to person to say hello and Swiffy hid under the couch until it was safe to come out and join the fun.

Ella’s Birthday

“Happy birthday, little sis,” said Minna when Ella woke up. “Thanks,” said Ella, “I’m a year older today.” The girls laughed because their father had a habit of saying to them on their birthdays, “Today, you’re one year older.”

Then Minna got quiet. “What’s wrong?” asked Ella.

“Oh, nothing,” responded Minna, “I was just thinking of all those years…”

“You’re home now and that’s all that matters,” interjected Ella, “the past is over.”

She put her arm around her sister and the girls hugged each other. “I love you, little sis,” said Minna. “I love you too, big sis,” said Ella.

“Mew, mew,” squeaked Swiffy.

“Come here, girly,” said Ella scooping Swiffy up. “She’s so cute!” exclaimed Ella, “and I love the coffee stain under her chin!”

“How did you get a coffee stain under your chin, huh?” asked Ella stroking Swiffy under her chin.

Swiffy purred and purred, but she did not answer the question.

Minna laughed, “She drank coffee, of course.” The girls giggled and cuddled Swiffy who loved the attention.

Ella put Swiffy down to finish getting ready. Brushing her hair, she looked out of the window.

“What are you looking at?” asked Minna.

Putting down her brush, Ella responded, “My Rah Kitty used to visit me,” said Ella. “Sometimes, I still expect to see him.”

“I know,” responded Minna.

She pinned her sister’s hair up, handed her a mirror, and asked, “Do you like it?”

“I love it!” declared Ella admiring her new hairdo in the mirror, “I feel like a queen!” she said. “You are a queen,” responded Minna.

“Mew, mew mew!” complained Swiffy.

“I know, Swiffy, I know,” said Ella, “we’re almost ready you hungry little Swiffy you!”

Downstairs, the Millerpees were preparing breakfast for the family.

“Blueberry-banana pancakes and oranges, my favorite!” exclaimed Ella.

“Happy birthday, dear,” said Mr. and Mrs. Millerpee hugging their daughter. Mr. Millerpee added, “Ella, today, you are one year older!”

The whole family laughed. “I love you guys,” said Ella.

Ella fed Swiffy and gave her fresh water to drink while Minna scooped her cat box.

Then the family had breakfast together and Swiffy ate up a slice of banana that had fallen on the kitchen floor.


Bear’s ears perked at the sound of Ella’s name. He heard the Kolkoskis talking, but the vacuum cleaner was on in the living room, and he couldn’t hear through the noise.

Ella… thought Bear, I wish I could go visit her, but I’m a housecat now. Samson’s right, I can’t keep escaping. Mrs. K didn’t like cleaning up the mess I made the last time I got out. It’s a good thing Rita caused a diversion. She’s a good raccoon. I wish I knew what she’s trying to tell me, but I just can’t hear her the way I used to. I can’t hear anyone like I used to.

Yawning Bear concluded, “Maybe Samson’s right, I’m not a kitten anymore.”