Ella’s Prayer

At night, after all the guests had left, Ella and Minna lay in bed. It had been a good day, but the girls were tired. Swiffy was curled up at Ella’s feet and purred loudly. She had a long day too.

“So, sis,” asked Minna, “did you have a good birthday?”

“You know I did,” responded Ella yawning. It was cool how both Teresa and Alex gave me art sets. Maybe I’ll turn into an artist.”

“You’re an artist alright,” said Minna laughing.

“You know,” said Ella “it was so great to see my Rah Kitty come trotting toward me today, and Tuxie is so cute, and he even looks smart. Rah Kitty’s smart too and there’s no cat like him, but there’s something special about Tuxie.”

Just as she said that Swiffy lifted her head. “Oh Swiffy,” giggled the girls, “you’re special too!”

“Yeah,” “laughed Ella, “you’re our Swiffy-doodle-doo!”

“Swiffy-doodlo-doo?” laughed Minna, “Where’d that come from?”

“I don’t know,” laughed Ella, “I guess I’m just silly.”

“You are silly,” said her sister, “but you’re brilliant, you know that?”

“Well, maybe I’m a little bit brilliant,” giggled Ella.

“You know who is brilliant?” asked Ella.

“No, who?” asked Minna.

“God,” answered Ella.

“Yes He is!” agreed Minna. “You prayed to see your Rah Kitty today, and you did. God answered your prayer.”

“Yes He did,” agreed Ella adding, “you know, so far, God has answered every single prayer I’ve prayed, and I have no doubt He will keep answering my prayers because God is good.”

Minna considered this. She had learned a lot about God since her return home.

Turning to Ella, she asked, “If you could pray for something right now, what would it be?”

Ella responded, “I have absolutely everything I could ask for, but this is my prayer, “Jesus, I love you; you gave me everything. You gave me my family back. You brought my mom and my sister back to me and you also brought me my Rah Kitty today because you love me so much. You even gave me a Swiffy. So God, if there’s anything I’m praying for tonight is for you to know how thankful I am in Jesus, name, amen.

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